Why I am Running
Like many of you, I am frustrated by the partisanship in our politics. We all want what is best for our families, access to affordable quality health care, good schools, and clean water. Many politicians try to divide us by using polarizing language, pushing an agenda based on fear, rather than addressing issues of universal concern to all Georgians. I am a physician and a scientist, and I believe I can bring some clarity to many of these issues with fact-based insight and discussion.
As a physician, I am concerned about the nearly half a million uninsured people in Georgia. Expanding Medicaid is critical for family stability and community economic prosperity, by driving down costs and keeping hospitals and clinics open for us all. I am passionate about the health and wellness of all Georgians to include quality healthcare and mental health access, expansion of school-based mental health programs to keep our children safe and cleaning up lead and the “forever chemicals” (carcinogens) in our schools and communities. These areas are chronically underfunded.
Each day, health inequities harm people, communities, and populations across Georgia. While Georgia has $16 Billion in surplus funds; Governor Kemp and the legislature agreed to play politics and return $250 to each Georgia voter rather than fund programs which are critical to the wellness and safety of all Georgians.
Finally, I believe that legislating against a woman's right to make her own healthcare decisions is dangerous government overreach. Granting citizens the right to introduce a ballot referendum on the “heartbeat bill” is key to overturning this dangerous bill.
Please join me in building a more prosperous Georgia where health and safety are prioritized and all personal freedoms are protected.
